expiration date logo (TO BE MADE)

What is Expiration Date?

Expiration Date is my 9th original story, made August of 2023. It is a horror story and probably mostly dark comedy. I don't know what I plan on doing with it just yet, but I will make animations of it probably. Read about all of my ocs in ED here.


The Grim Forest is your typical dark and spooky forest, and it divides a city with a secluded area that is the home of a large house. No one dares to go there, since anyone who does go there never comes back. In said house reside Jackdaw and Lyssa, who have formed a sort of father and daughter type relationship. They are not the friendlist towards trustpassers, and neither are their friends. You will be meeted with a grizzly fate if you dare to step into the secluded bit of land that lies beyond the forest.