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Below are examples of what people (and animals) look like in the Clay and Jay universe. Not much else to say.
examples of what people and animals look like in CAJ.


You probably noticed that characters in Clay and Jay are monochromatic. Their clothes match their skin colour. This is just a stylistic choice, but I decided to add depth to it. Below are images of how clothes work. They match the colour of whoever is wearing it, however once it is washed the colour resets to white.
A purple and red character stand next to eachother. The purple one says 'lets switch shirts' to the red one. Once the switch, the purple character is wearing a red shirt and the red character is wearing a purple shirt. The red character decides to wash the purple shirt. Once he washes it, the shirt is now white. The red character now puts on the white shirt. The shirt turns from white to red.
Below is an image of what someone wearing more diverse clothes looks like.
Clay wearing snazzy outfit.